Monday, December 21, 2009

The Secret Rules of Athlete Mistresses

The woman who killed former NFL MVP Steve McNair made a fatal mistake when she got involved with him, according to athletes’ groupies—she fell in love.

As soon as I heard Steve McNair got offed by his mistress, Saleh Kazemi, I couldn’t help but wonder: Jeez, didn’t this girl know the rules? Among pro athletes and those who love them, Groupie Rules are so entrenched that legions of spandexed women manage to abide by them on a regular basis and no one ever gets killed. In fact, if you look at the statistics—as CNN solemnly reported in the wake of the McNair murder-suicide, “80 to 90 percent” of pro athletes cheat (presumably the other 10 to 20 percent are recovering from groin injuries)—and factor in the jealousy and money involved, you might be amazed no one ever got murder-suicided before. But as with any evolved society, there’s a reason for that: there are rules. And as I discovered during an extended visit into their world, the good groupies know them.

Rule # 1: You do not fall in love. EVER. Unless you are Eva Longoria. And even then….


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